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Throughout the year, Geoff runs one to one in person and zoom classes, a small group zoom class and a series of yoga workshops. He also is available for teaching on Patanjali 'Yoga Sutra', chanting the text and 'Vedic Chanting'.
One to one sessions


One to one sessions are specifically designed for the individual 

taking into account their needs, they emphasizes the importance of correct breathing and the use of the breath with movement in postures.

This encourages in the student an awareness of the relationship between the body the breath and the mind. 


Individual lessons also recognize the value of yoga as a therapy to treat specific health problems. 


Yoga days


Yoga days are held throughout the year on a variety of yoga themes such as: 'Yoga and Prana', 'Yoga and Meditation', 'Yoga and Ayurveda' and 'The Principles of Yoga Practice.


The day generally consists of three practices, which include asanas (body postures), pranayama ( seated breathing) and meditation linked to the ideas presented on the day.

Group Zoom class

This takes place on Monday evenings between 6.30 and 7.30pm For details please contact Geoff.



Chanting sessions provide the  opportunity to develop ones ability to chant both the Yoga Sutra and Vedic Mantra.

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